Online shopping is here
I am so excited to share the latest improvements to my website! In addition to being able to offer online shopping, you will now be able to view my latest works as they are created. I now have the self-hosted blog you are currently reading, and promise to be diligent in keeping up with it.
I'd like to thank Ron Haake of Glyph Art for walking me through the creative process of making this new site, for continuing to produce the highest quality giclees of my artwork and for representing me in his beautiful gallery. Keep watching this site to see all the improvements he’s made to the Glyph Art Gallery when he and Lisa announce the grand re-opening.
It is my sincere wish that the images I share with you here bring a bit of joy your way in these challenging times. At least you don't need to leave your couch anymore to purchase the latest Lisa Bunge painting for your living room. ;-)
I hope that you are well and would love to hear from you. Mahalo nui loa for your interest in my art!